About cyclospora infection
What is cyclospora infection?
Cyclospora infection (cyclosporiasis) facts
- Cyclospora is a small parasitic organism that is passed to humans when they ingest food contaminated with feces from an infected person.
- It is most common in tropical countries, and imported foods such as lettuce have caused outbreaks in the United States. Travelers to tropical or subtropical countries are at risk, although the risk is relatively low.
- Diarrhea is the most common symptom, often accompanied by cramping abdominal pain and fatigue. If left untreated, the diarrhea can last for several weeks.
- The recommended treatment is a seven- to ten-day course of oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra).
- Complications are uncommon, but it is important for patients to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration.
- Prevention efforts are focused on improving the safety of the food supply. Because Cyclospora requires a period of time outside the body to become infectious, the organism is not spread directly from person to person.
What is Cyclospora infection?
Infection occurs when humans inadvertently ingest Cyclospora, usually by eating food contaminated with very small amounts of feces (stool) from an infected person.
What are the symptoms for cyclospora infection?
Bouts of diarrhoea alternating symptom was found in the cyclospora infection condition
Some people infected with the microscopic parasite that causes cyclospora infection develop no signs or symptoms. For others, signs and symptoms — which usually begin within two to 11 days of eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water — may include:
- Frequent, watery Diarrhea
- Bouts of Diarrhea alternating with bouts of Constipation
- Loss of appetite and Weight loss
- Bloating, flatulence and Burping
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Muscle aches
- Fever
- Fatigue — this symptom may last long after the active infection has gotten better
- General feeling of unwellness (malaise)
The Diarrhea may end by itself within a few days, or it may last for weeks. If you have HIV or another condition that compromises your immune system, the infection can last for months if not treated.
When to see a doctor
Many conditions can cause Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal signs and symptoms. If you develop persistent Diarrhea that lasts several days or recurs, contact your doctor so that he or she can identify the cause and recommend treatment. If you've eaten a food that's been recalled because of a cyclospora outbreak or traveled in an area where parasites such as cyclospora are common, be sure to tell your doctor.
If you experience Dehydration due to Diarrhea, see your doctor. Warning signs of Dehydration include:
- Sunken eyes
- Dry mouth and tongue
- Reduced production of tears
- Decreased urine output
What are the causes for cyclospora infection?
A one-celled parasite, Cyclospora cayetanensis, causes cyclospora infection. You get it by drinking water or eating food that's been contaminated by a person infected with the parasite.
A person infected with cyclospora passes the parasite in stool. However, unlike some other foodborne parasites, cyclospora doesn't become infectious until days or weeks after it's passed in a bowel movement. So it's unlikely that you can get the infection directly from a person infected with cyclospora, such as a restaurant worker who doesn't wash his or her hands adequately after using the toilet.
Before the 1990s, sporadic cases of cyclospora infection turned up only in people who traveled in developing countries and in those with HIV or another condition that caused a weakened immune system. However, since the 1990s, lettuce, fresh basil and imported raspberries have been implicated in cyclospora outbreaks in the United States and Canada.
What are the treatments for cyclospora infection?
The diagnosis of Cyclospora is made by examining stool samples. Using a light microscope, the stool is examined for oocysts. Occasionally, more than one sample must be used to find oocysts. These samples should usually be 24 to 48 hours apart because oocysts are sometimes shed intermittently in stool. To increase the ability to diagnose Cyclospora, special staining methods, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, and stool specimen concentration techniques are used. Physicians should alert the laboratory if Cyclospora is suspected so that these methods can be used. Currently, there is no blood test that can detect Cyclospora.
What are the risk factors for cyclospora infection?
In the past, people who traveled in developing countries were more likely to get cyclospora infection. These days, the infection is found worldwide, and anyone who ingests contaminated food or water can get it.
Is there a cure/medications for cyclospora infection?
Severely explosive water-like motions due to a one-cell microscopic parasite are Cyclospora Infection. Cyclospora is a name of a parasite responsible for this disease. The motions are hard to control and result in enormous water loss in a patient’s body.
It can only be diagnosed through laboratory testing of the patient’s stool and looking for the presence of this one-cell parasite in the sample.
As soon as the result of diagnosis suggests that the infection is nothing but due to cyclospora parasite. Take necessary preventions and cures:
- Carefully wash fruits and vegetables
- Drink Enough amount of water to be prevented dehydration
- ORS for children/Infants
- No to Carbonated and energy drinks
- Take light foods that are digestible
- Take Yogurt with salts and roasted cumin powder
- Avoid Milk as it has system clearing properties
- Eat Fibrous foods to solidify the stool
If the case worsens, treatments can be done in the following ways:
- Antibiotics prescribed by doctors
- Medications to improve the immune system
- Glucose/ Drip for Dehydration
- Injections to stop diarrhea
Most of the time patients couldn’t understand how and from where such parasite infection entered their bodies. So precautions need to be taken whenever outside food or water is intake.
Loss of Appetite,Weight Loss,Feeling of Unwellness,Bouts of Diarrhoea alternating,Bouts of Constipation
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ)- TMP 160mg,SMX 800mg,Nitazoxanide,Batrim,Septra,Cotrim
Watery Diarrhoea,Cramps,Muscle Aches,Burping,Bloating,Fever,Fatigue