About balantidiasis
What is balantidiasis?
Balantidiasis is a rare intestinal infection caused by the bacterium, Balantidium coli, a single celled parasite (ciliate protozoan) that frequently infects pigs but on occasion (rarely) infects humans. Some infected people may have no symptoms or only mild diarrhea and abdominal discomfort but others may experience more severe symptoms reminiscent of an acute inflammation of the intestines. Symptoms of Balantidiasis may be similar to those of other infections that cause intestinal inflammation, for example, amoebic dysentery.
What are the symptoms for balantidiasis?
Irritable bowel syndrome symptom was found in the balantidiasis condition
Most people with Balantidiasis are asymptomatic or present mild symptoms. Some individuals may become acutely ill with abnormally high temperatures, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, and bloody Diarrhea. Such conditions may result in the excessive loss of water from the body (Dehydration) and extreme exhaustion (prostration), especially if B. coli attacks the intestinal lining causing inflammation and possibly “crater-like” areas of damage (ulceration). In very severe cases, the ulcers may be deep enough to puncture the intestinal wall (perforation) resulting in acute inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdomen (peritonitis). Occasionally, the ulcer may diminish lung function.
What are the causes for balantidiasis?
Balantidiasis is a rare infectious disease caused by the single celled (protozoan) parasite Balantidium coli. This parasite may be passed directly to humans by contact with pig feces or indirectly by drinking contaminated water. Poor nutrition, a compromised immune system, or other illnesses may make a person vulnerable to more severe symptoms of this disease.
What are the treatments for balantidiasis?
Balantidiasis can be diagnosed by laboratory testing of the stool. Immature B. coli parasites (trophozoites) are usually recoverable from the stool. A more complex and more invasive diagnostic method involves scraping the ulcer and examining the tissue for trophozoites.
The antibiotic drug most frequently used to treat Balantidiasis is tetracycline. When tetracycline cannot be given (i.e., allergy), replacement drug therapy may include the drugs iodoquinol or metronidazole. It is not necessary to isolate (quarantine) a person who has Balantidiasis. However, the feces of infected individuals must be disposed of so that they do not come into contact with drinking water or food supplies.
What are the risk factors for balantidiasis?
Balantidiasis is a rare infection that affects males and females in equal numbers. It typically occurs in tropical regions such as Brazil, New Guinea, and southern Iran.
Is there a cure/medications for balantidiasis?
Balantidiasis is a rare infection that affects the intestines. This condition is caused by a bacterium called, Balantidium coli.
- This bacterium is a single-celled parasite that usually attacks pigs but rarely infects humans as well.
- Some people with this infection may not have any symptoms or a few symptoms like diarrhea or mild abdominal discomfort.
- But some others may experience severe symptoms such as an acute inflammation of the intestines.
Cure/medications for balantidiasis
- Balantidiasis is curable; certain treatments can help you completely recover from the infection.
- This infection is diagnosed by laboratory testing of the stool.
- The B. coli parasite is mostly recovered from the stool of the affected person.
- Another complex way of diagnosis is scraping the ulcer and examining the tissues for the parasite.
- Antibiotic drugs are used to treat this infection, and the most frequently used antibiotic drug is tetracycline.
- In some cases, if the affected person has any sort of allergy, then there are alternative drugs that can be taken, such as iodoquinol and metronidazole.
- This infection can be prevented while traveling by maintaining good hygiene, like washing hands with warm water and soap thoroughly after using public toilets or handling foods.
Irritable bowel syndrome,Amoebic dysentery,Crohn’s disease,Ulcerative colitis,Chronic erosive gastritis,Shigella dysentery,Amebiasis,Chronic fungal bowel infections,Yersinia enterocolitica infection,Intestinal tuberculosis
Nausea,Abdominal pain,Vomiting,Diarrhea,Dehydration,Extreme exhaustion,Ulceration,Etc