The following Conditions are related to Hamartomous polyps in oral cavity and nostrils
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Hutchinson-weber-peutz syndrome
Hutchinson weber putz syndrome is caused by the autosomal dominant disorder which results in the numerous noncancerous benign polyps in the digestive system. These non-cancerous growths are called hamartomatous polyps. There is an increased risk of cancer associated with this disease.This condition is commonly seen in children.They tend to develop small dark-coloured spots on the mouth orifice and lips. Read More
- Jegher's syndrome
Jegher's syndrome is caused by the autosomal dominant disorder which results in the numerous noncancerous benign polyps in the digestive system. These noncancerous growths are called hamartomatous polyps. There is an increased risk of cancer associated with this disease.Risk factorsThis condition is commonly seen in children.They tend to develop small dark-colored spots on the mouth orifice Read More