About reflux laryngitis
What is reflux laryngitis?
Why does reflux laryngitis occur?
Reflux is caused by weakness in the muscle at the junction of the esophagus with the stomach. Normally, this muscular valve, or sphincter, functions to keep food and stomach acid from moving upward from the stomach to the esophagus and larynx. This valve opens to allow food into the stomach and closes to keep the stomach's contents from coming back up. The backward movement of stomach contents (gastric contents) up into the esophagus is called gastroesophageal reflux.
Additionally, any increase in abdominal pressure (such as obesity or tight clothing), which can push acid back from the stomach up the esophagus, or a patient with a hiatal hernia, will have an increased risk for reflux. When it causes symptoms, it is referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD). When the acid backs up into the voice box (larynx), the condition is referred to as reflux laryngitis.
Stomach acid can cause irritation of the lining of the esophagus, larynx, and throat. This can lead to:
- erosion of the lining of the esophagus (erosive esophagitis),
- narrowing of the esophagus (stricture),
- chronic hoarseness,
- chronic throat clearing,
- difficulty swallowing,
- foreign body sensation in the throat,
- asthma or cough,
- spasms of the vocal cords,
- sinusitis, and
- growths on the vocal cords (granulomas).
Rarely, reflux can lead to cancers of the esophagus or larynx.
What are the symptoms for reflux laryngitis?
Irritation symptom was found in the reflux laryngitis condition
Heartburn is the most common symptom associated with reflux. The American College of Gastroenterology estimates that more than 60 million Americans experience Heartburn at least once a month and some studies suggest that more than 15 million people experience Heartburn symptoms each day. The incidence of GERD is on the rise, and the rise in obesity is believed to be a contributing factor. In addition to Heartburn, reflux severe enough to cause laryngitis can cause chronic hoarseness, asthma, or a foreign body sensation in the throat (globus phenomenon). Considering the high prevalence of GERD, reflux laryngitis and its symptoms are uncommon.
What are the causes for reflux laryngitis?
Reflux is caused by weakness in the muscle at the junction of the esophagus with the stomach. Normally, this muscular valve, or sphincter, functions to keep food and stomach acid from moving upward from the stomach to the esophagus and larynx. This valve opens to allow food into the stomach and closes to keep the stomach's contents from coming back up. The backward movement of stomach contents (gastric contents) up into the esophagus is called gastroesophageal reflux. Moreover, any increase in abdominal pressure (such as obesity or tight clothing, which can push acid back from the stomach up the esophagus) or a person with a hiatal hernia will have an increased risk for reflux. When it causes symptoms or esophageal inflammation it is referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD). When the acid backs up into the voice box (larynx), the condition is referred to as reflux laryngitis.
Stomach acid can cause irritation of the lining of the esophagus, larynx, and throat. This can lead to
- erosion of the lining of the esophagus (erosive esophagitis),
- narrowing of the esophagus (stricture),
- chronic hoarseness,
- chronic throat clearing,
- discomfort swallowing food,
- foreign body sensation in the throat,
- asthma or cough,
- spasms of the vocal cords,
- sinusitis, and
- growths on the vocal cords (granulomas).
Rarely, reflux can lead to cancers of the esophagus or larynx.
What are the treatments for reflux laryngitis?
There are several different types of medications available over the counter (OTC) or by prescription. The acid-blocking drugs (famotidine [Pepcid], cimetidine [Tagamet], nizatidine [Axid], ranitidine [Zantac]) are known as H2-blockers. These are available without a prescription. However, their strength may be inadequate.
Other valuable medications include: metoclopramide (Reglan), which helps to empty the stomach; or the proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole (Prilosec) and lansoprazole (Prevacid).
If conservative therapy and medical therapy fail, surgery may be necessary. Traditionally, the fundoplication procedure, which serves to strengthen or recreate the muscular valve (lower esophageal sphincter), requires significant surgical work and hospital stay. Recently, surgery also has been able to perform endoscopic fundoplication, shortening both hospital stay and recovery. However, this is still investigational and not considered the standard of care.
What are the risk factors for reflux laryngitis?
An unbearably strong burning sensation in the throat, vocal cords (larynx), and food pipe of a body due to the upward movement of stomach acid are Reflux Laryngitis.
Stomach acids are produced to digest the food we intake, but those acids move upwards, they create irritation and swelling on the lining of the food pipe.
Risk factors include:
The main cause of Acid reflux is either eating a lot or having nothing for a long time. In the case of fasting, it is suggested to have a lot of water to cool the effects of stomach acids.
It can be caused by:
- Particular foods intake: Fried, Alcohol, Mints, Tobacco, Soda, Spicy, Citrus, Chocolates.
- Tight-fitting clothes: It doesn’t matter if the belly is bulgy or slim. Tight clothes put a lot of pressure on your stomach.
- Stress: Nervousness or Anxiety leads to stress which increases the secretion of stomach acids in some people.
- Sleep with a Stomach full: There has to be a gap of at least two hours between having a meal and going to sleep. If a body lies down after a few minutes of eating, stomach acid production for digesting food move upwards and hinders the oesophageal lining.
- Overweight: There is always a large amount of acid production in the stomach of an overweight person. Due to all the fats, the body produces this much of acids. Maintaining weight according to the BMI index is helpful in reducing the chances of acid reflux.
Heartburn,Voice Disorder,GERD,LPR,Irritation,Burning Chest
Coughing,Bitter/Sour Taste,Excessive Throat Clearing,Hoarse Voice,Low Pitch,Lump in throat feeling
Is there a cure/medications for reflux laryngitis?
Acidity or heartburn due to weakness of the joint between the stomach and esophagus is acid reflux or Reflux Laryngitis. It is common and happens due to a few careless decisions we make in our lifestyle.
Testing is necessary for patients with no relief from the above home remedies. The following tests will be helpful in that case:
- Laryngoscopy
- Oesophageal pH acid monitoring
- Oesophagram (X-Ray of the esophagus)
- Endoscopy
- Oesophageal Mobility Studies
There is a long list of home remedies in case of heartburn and acidity. Those remedies help rectify issues in this disease as well:
- Drinking water at early intervals
- Avoid spicy meals and heavy foods
- Do some fast walking or slow running
- Have fruits and salads with a lot of water content: Cucumber, zucchini, watermelon, etc.
- Avoid citrus fruits and vegetables: Tomatoes, Oranges, etc.
- Avoid Peppermints and Chocolates
- Avoid Alcohol and Caffeinated Beverages for a while
- Avoid Smoking and Start Exercising
- Lie down for a while at a 45 degrees angle with pillows under your neck
- OTC (Over the Counter): Available without Prescription
- Acid Blocking Drugs (H2-Blockers): Also available without prescription to block acid reflux
- Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs): Available for emptying the stomach rapidly
If everything fails, it is better to take therapy from doctors to recreate or strengthen the muscular valve. This therapy is called Fundoplication. Patients get relief and recover fast if they continue incorporating the above lifestyle changes.
Heartburn,Voice Disorder,GERD,LPR,Irritation,Burning Chest
Coughing,Bitter/Sour Taste,Excessive Throat Clearing,Hoarse Voice,Low Pitch,Lump in throat feeling