About lipd deficiency
What is lipd deficiency?
Familial lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency is a rare genetic metabolic disorder characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. Deficiency of this enzyme prevents affected individuals from properly digesting certain fats and results in massive accumulation of fatty droplets called chylomicrons in the circulation (chylomicronemia) and consequently also an increase of the plasma concentration of fatty substances called triglycerides. Affected individuals often experience episodes of abdominal pain, acute recurrent inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), abnormal enlargement of the liver and/or spleen (hepatosplenomegaly), and the development of skin lesions known as eruptive xanthomas. Familial LPL deficiency is caused by mutations in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Recently, mutations in other genes besides LPL were found to cause a clinical picture similar to LPL deficiency.
Chylomicronemia syndrome is a general term for the symptoms that develop due to the accumulation of chylomicrons in the plasma. There are many causes of chylomicronemia syndrome. The term familial chylomicronemia is sometimes used synonymously with familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency. However, there are different causes of familial chylomicronemia. In the past, familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency has also been called hyperlipoproteinemia type I. Familial LPL deficiency was first described in the medical literature in 1932 by Drs. Burger and Grutz.
What are the symptoms for lipd deficiency?
Arcus senilis symptom was found in the lipd deficiency condition
Lipid deficiency does not show any direct symptoms. The effects of the disease are only realized years after it has been present in the body. The arteries become blocked as a result of high LDL levels. The bloodstream's greater lipid concentration leads to artery wall deposition. Atherosclerosis is the term for this. The arteries may get blocked as a result of this atherosclerosis. This may result in a heart attack due to decreased blood supply to the heart.
Symptoms of lipid deficiency
- Chest pain (angina) or shortness of breath are frequently reported as early signs of this type of heart disease (dyspnea).
- Slow healing process
- Wounds may also heal more slowly than they should if a person has lipid deficiency (Soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D).
- Sickness
- Limiting your intake of fat severely can erode your immune system and increase the frequency of infections.
- To render various biological chemicals that promote the functioning of your immune cells, your body needs dietary fat.
- Hair fall is another symptom
- Your body produces fatty chemicals called prostaglandins that encourage hair growth. Consuming insufficient amounts of essential fat may alter the texture of your hair and raise your chance of losing hair on your scalp or brows, according to research
- Overweight
- As the muscles seem prominent, making the body looks disproportionate
Xanthelasma,Arcus senilis,Xanthomas
Statins,Cholesterol inhibitors,Bile acid sequestrants,Fibrate therapy,Omega-3 fatty acids,Niacin
Wounds may heal more slowly than they should if a person has lipid deficiency (Soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D),Sickness,Limiting your intake of fat severely can erode your immune system and increase the frequency of infections,Hair fall,Overweight
What are the causes for lipd deficiency?
Lipids are either fats or compounds that simulate fats. They consist of waxes, oils, fatty acids, and cholesterol. You might not have enough lipid-degrading enzymes if you have one of these diseases.
- Your body may also be unable to turn fats into energy if the enzymes are not functioning properly.
- They make your body accumulate unhealthy levels of fats.
- Over time, it can harm your cells and tissues, including those in the bone marrow, liver, spleen, brain, and peripheral nervous system, and can be fatal.
Causes of lipid deficiency
- Genetics: Several lipid conditions are inherited. For instance, when high cholesterol runs in a family, it is known as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).
- People may determine whether or not they want to obtain a blood test to see if they have high cholesterol by considering their family's history of high cholesterol and heart disease.
- Lifestyle: Saturated fat-rich foods may also contribute to excessive triglyceride and blood cholesterol levels, such as dairy products, sugary drinks and food, etc. Also, Trans fats are particularly hazardous since they increase bad cholesterol while trying to lower healthy cholesterol in food such as fried fatty food.
Other contributing causes of lipid deficiency include:
- Smoking
- Being inactive
- Being overweight
- Drinking habits (Alcohol)
- Taking diuretice (Medication)
Xanthelasma,Arcus senilis,Xanthomas
Statins,Cholesterol inhibitors,Bile acid sequestrants,Fibrate therapy,Omega-3 fatty acids,Niacin
Wounds may heal more slowly than they should if a person has lipid deficiency (Soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D),Sickness,Limiting your intake of fat severely can erode your immune system and increase the frequency of infections,Hair fall,Overweight
What are the treatments for lipd deficiency?
One of the elements in our body is called lipids. Lipids is another word for fats in the literal sense. Our bodies contain a variety of fats. There is either an increased or decreased level of fats when you have a lipid problem condition. Increased levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or lower levels of HDL may be the cause of the lipid disorder disease (High-Density Lipoprotein). Increased levels of triglycerides (TGC) or total cholesterol can also contribute to lipid disorders.
Lipid deficiency can aggravate a number of diseases and health issues related to a lack of fats, most of which can be cured or controlled with the addition of the necessary fat. Effects of fat insufficiency can be noticed on the lipid profile, skin, heart, and mental health.
Treatments for lipid deficiency
- Professional help: The best course of action for treating a lipid disease may vary depending on the patient's age, underlying health concerns, and cholesterol levels. A healthcare expert will typically suggest lifestyle modifications as the first line of defense against high cholesterol.
- Supplements: The use of supplements in the treatment of deficiencies is beneficial. Studies found that supplementation has a positive impact on mental problems. Supplementing with EPA and DHA is advised for people with serious depressive illnesses. EPA and DHA supplements were found to be effective in addressing mood disorders in a few other investigations.
Xanthelasma,Arcus senilis,Xanthomas
Statins,Cholesterol inhibitors,Bile acid sequestrants,Fibrate therapy,Omega-3 fatty acids,Niacin
Wounds may heal more slowly than they should if a person has lipid deficiency (Soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D),Sickness,Limiting your intake of fat severely can erode your immune system and increase the frequency of infections,Hair fall,Overweight
What are the risk factors for lipd deficiency?
Levels of LDLs, triglycerides, or both will often rise in the presence of a lipid deficiency. Because they aid in the removal of harmful cholesterol from the body, HDLs are referred to as the "good" cholesterol.
- Fatty substances may gather in the body's tissues, particularly the arteries, as a result of an accumulation of LDLs and triglycerides. This may have detrimental effects on cardiovascular health and raise the possibility of issues like heart disease.
- Lipid deficiency can be caused by a variety of things, such as lifestyle choices, underlying medical issues, and heredity.
- The risk factors listed below can exist in a person's body with or without a lipid disease. However, a person's chances of contracting it increases with the number of risk factors they have. People who have a lot of risk factors might speak with their doctor about ways to reduce their risk.
- Not working out enough. Exercise raises HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL cholesterol.
- Consuming foods heavy in calories, cholesterol, or certain fats.
- Consuming insufficient amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seafood, and other healthful foods.
- Smoking: Reduces HDL levels.
- Excessive alcohol consumption increases triglycerides.
- The production and elimination of cholesterol by the body may be affected by certain genes.
- Higher cholesterol levels have been linked to specific medications.
Xanthelasma,Arcus senilis,Xanthomas
Statins,Cholesterol inhibitors,Bile acid sequestrants,Fibrate therapy,Omega-3 fatty acids,Niacin
Wounds may heal more slowly than they should if a person has lipid deficiency (Soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D),Sickness,Limiting your intake of fat severely can erode your immune system and increase the frequency of infections,Hair fall,Overweight
Is there a cure/medications for lipd deficiency?
Lipid deficiency is generally asymptomatic. There are two types of lipid deficiency concerning causes: primary lipid deficiency and secondary lipid deficiency.
- Primary lipid deficiency is caused by genetic mutations.
- There are three conditions: Abetalipoproteinemia, Hypobetalipoproteinemia, and Chylomicron.
- The secondary lipid deficiency occurs due to a pre-existing condition.
- They include anemia, chronic infections, liver dysfunction, malabsorption from the diet, cancer malignancy, hyperthyroidism, and chronic inflammation.
- The consequences of severe hypolipidemia are an adrenal failure, intracerebral hemorrhage.
- Patients with primary hypolipidemia caused by Abetalipoproteinemia are treated with a high dose of vitamin E. Diet rich in fat does not help the condition as the patient loses the ability to absorb dietary lipids.
- Treatment for patients with primary hypolipidemia caused by chylomicron is a fat-rich diet and lipid supplements. The patient has partial ability to absorb lipids.
- Patients with secondary hypolipidemia are prescribed a diet rich in triglycerides.
- Hypolipidemia by Hypobetalipoproteinemia does not need treatment. However, for prognostic purposes, a high dose of lipid in the diet is recommended.
Xanthelasma,Arcus senilis,Xanthomas
Statins,Cholesterol inhibitors,Bile acid sequestrants,Fibrate therapy,Omega-3 fatty acids,Niacin
Wounds may heal more slowly than they should if a person has lipid deficiency (Soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D),Sickness,Limiting your intake of fat severely can erode your immune system and increase the frequency of infections,Hair fall,Overweight