About folate deficiency anemia
What is folate deficiency anemia?
Megaloblastic anemia is a condition in which the bone marrow produces unusually large, structurally abnormal, immature red blood cells (megaloblasts). Bone marrow, the soft spongy material found inside certain bones, produces the main blood cells of the body -red cells, white cells, and platelets. Anemia is a condition characterized by the low levels of circulating, red blood cells. Red blood cells are released from the marrow into the bloodstream where they travel throughout the body delivering oxygen to tissue. A deficiency in healthy, fully-matured red blood cells can result in fatigue, paleness of the skin (pallor), lightheadedness and additional findings. Megaloblastic anemia has several different causes - deficiencies of either cobalamin (vitamin B12) or folate (vitamin B9) are the two most common causes. These vitamins play an essential role in the production of red blood cells.
What are the symptoms for folate deficiency anemia?
Temporary infertility symptom was found in the folate deficiency anemia condition
What are the causes for folate deficiency anemia?
Folate (folic acid) is needed for red blood cells to form and grow. You can get folate by eating green leafy vegetables and liver. However, your body does not store folate in large amounts. So, you need to eat plenty of folate-rich foods to maintain normal levels of this vitamin.
In folate-deficiency anemia, the red blood cells are abnormally large. Such cells are called macrocytes. They are also called megaloblasts, when they are seen in the bone marrow. That is why this anemia is also called megaloblastic anemia.
Causes of this type of anemia include:
- Too little folic acid in your diet
- Hemolytic anemia
- Long-term alcoholism
- Use of certain medicines (such as phenytoin [Dilantin], methotrexate, sulfasalazine, triamterene, pyrimethamine, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and barbiturates)
The following raise your risk for this type of anemia:
- Alcoholism
- Eating overcooked food
- Poor diet (often seen in the poor, the older people, and people who do not eat fresh fruits or vegetables)
- Pregnancy
- Weight loss diets
Folic acid is needed to help a baby in the womb grow properly. Too little folic acid during pregnancy may lead to birth defects in a baby.
What are the treatments for folate deficiency anemia?
The goal is to identify and treat the cause of the folate deficiency.
You may receive folic acid supplements by mouth, injected into muscle, or through a vein (in rare cases). If you have low folate levels because of a problem with your intestines, you may need treatment for the rest of your life.
Diet changes can help boost your folate level. Eat more green, leafy vegetables and citrus fruits.
What are the risk factors for folate deficiency anemia?
Factors that increase your likelihood of developing this condition include:
- eating overcooked foods
- consuming a vitamin-poor diet
- heavy alcohol drinking (alcohol interferes with folate absorption)
- medical conditions (like sickle cell disease)
- medications
- pregnancy
Is there a cure/medications for folate deficiency anemia?
A patient is anemic with low levels of oxygen supplements in the blood. This supplement is hemoglobin, produced by the RBC (Red Blood Cells) of a body. The deficiency of Folate or Vitamin-B12 or B9 defects the production of these RBCs and increases their size abnormally. These dysfunctions RBCs and result in Folate-Deficiency Anemia.
Differences in Iron and Folic Acid Deficiency:
Iron and folic acid deficiencies affect the human body in variably different manners:
- Low production of folic acid results in digestive errors, whereas iron deficiency results in difficult respiration and oxygen absorption.
- Both results in anemia folate are responsible for muscle weakness, and iron is responsible for weak heart and related organs.
- A green and Vegan diet for iron deficiency and protein-rich dairy and meat diets for Folate-Deficiency Anemia is suggested.
Intermediate detection help doctors to begin treatments soon for the same:
- Folate supplements in tablet forms or injections
- 400mcg folic acids in the first trimester of pregnancy (compulsory)
- Perfect folic acid-rich diet plans
- Juicy, high-energy fruits
- Vitamin B12-rich foods like eggs, meat, fish, Fortified foods, and dairy products
Yearly medical check-ups help to solve issues of Vitamin B12 deficiencies, and a patient can get better.
Depression, Stress, Forgetful, Nervous System problems, Heart problems, Temporary Infertility
Hydroxocobalamin, Cyanocobalamin, L-methylfolate,Levomefolate,Methyltetrahydrofolate)
Sore mouth,Weakness,Fatigue,Headache,Disturbed vision,Mouth ulcers